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Sunday, 14 August 2016

Another Org to help you convince your Uncle Denny the Denier IMPACT2C

The Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) was initiated by the German Federal Government in 2009 as a fundamental part of the German hightech-strategy for climate protection. Since June 2014, GERICS is a scientific organizational entity of Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht – Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH.

GERICS offers in a scientifically sound manner products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change. Director is meteorologist and climate scientist Prof. Dr. Daniela Jacob.

The IMPACT2C project provided easily accessible climate-related information to policymakers, the media and other interested parties. The project results were put together in a series of the Policy Brief Notes. The IMPACT2C web atlas ( was produced to provide input for the development of recommendations on possible adaptations strategies.

The key messages of the IMPACT2C project can be summarized as follows:

  • A global warming by 2°C substantially affects a wide range of sectors and regions throughout Europe. Some regions or sectors will benefit from a future warming, but some will experience disadvantages. 
  • To assess the impacts of climate change on specific sectors, cross-sectoral relationships have to be included into the analysis. 
  • In most regions of Europe, the projected regional warming is more pronounced than the global mean warming. Projections for annual mean precipitation show wetter conditions in northern Europe and drier conditions in southern Europe. 
  • Under a 2°C global warming, a European-wide increase in the frequency of extreme events is expected. Heatwaves are projected to double while extreme precipitation events tend to become more intense. 
  • A limitation to 2°C global warming will not stop sea-level rise due to the delayed reaction of the oceans. Therefore costs due to coastal flooding will incur even with adaptation measures. 
  • Bangladesh and the low-lying islands like Maldives are expected to feel the consequences of climate change, due to the continuous rise of sea-levels enhancing the risk for storm surges and flooding. 
  • For West and East Africa, the warming is above the global temperature increase. West Africa could experience a modest increase in rainfall, whereas for East Africa no clear trend is projected. .

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Lord Nicholas Stern

Today’s young people can and should hold their parents’ generation to account for their present actions. They can elicit an emotional response that can motivate action. If thinking about the lives of unborn future generations seems too abstract to motivate you to act, try instead looking a young child or grandchild in the eye and asking yourself what sort of future you are leaving for them. There is something that, on reflection, many adults would surely find repugnant in the idea that they will leave their children a damaged planet that will radically affect their life possibilities. Lord Nicholas Stern

Kiribati President Anote Tong

"…I remember I had been trying to convince him to visit Kiribati and he did in 2011. He came to Kiribati and I remember he went to visit one of these communities that was flooded every time there is very high tides and there was this young boy who stepped up to the Secretary General and said Mr. Secretary General, you are a very important man you know, is there something that you can do to ensure I will have a future, that I will have a home. And the Secretary General came back and he said Mr. President I have been listening to you at the General Assembly but I never truly understood what it was you trying to communicate but now I do and I feel and I understand I would do everything that I can”