A resource for people looking to find out about the science and the impacts of Climate Change and Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). This is accomplished by curating scientific, political and business videos, news reports, surveys and polls as well as creating original content. (CHECK OUT OUR HSAWR ORIGINAL VIDEOS) The Pentagon," calls CLIMATE CHANGE an “urgent and growing threat to America's national security” and blames it for “increased natural disasters” that will require more American troops designated to combat bad weather.

Sunday, 29 October 2017

Climate Change daily Vid Oct 29 2017: Energy Intelligence???

Oil & Money 2017 Environmental Policy. Biased / Un-biased Opinion Take a look you be the judge.

Deborah Gordon - Director, Energy and Climate Program
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Mark Lewis - Managing Director, Research
Laurence Tubiana - Chief Executive Officer
European Climate Foundation

This October, over 500 senior executives, policy makers, financiers, strategists and experts from the international oil and gas industry convened in London for the 38th annual Oil & Money Conference.

Co-hosted by The New York Times and Energy Intelligence, this world-class gathering, for another time, set the standard for frank discussion and stimulating debate on the key issues facing the global petroleum sector. With an assembly of delegates and speakers which will once again feature senior executives and government ministers from the world’s leading oil companies and oil producers, Oil & Money delivered high-level networking opportunities with international business leaders and opinion makers.

Among the topics discussed at this year’s event were the outlook for oil prices, the challenge of profitable upstream development, the impacts of geopolitical uncertainties in the Middle East and elsewhere, the rebound in U.S. shale, and the disruptive capacity of new transport technologies. In addition, a special extra day was devoted to the global gas industry focused on changes in international L.N.G. markets, uncertainty over gas demand growth, new business models for gas producers and the changing profile of gas and L.N.G. buyers.

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Lord Nicholas Stern

Today’s young people can and should hold their parents’ generation to account for their present actions. They can elicit an emotional response that can motivate action. If thinking about the lives of unborn future generations seems too abstract to motivate you to act, try instead looking a young child or grandchild in the eye and asking yourself what sort of future you are leaving for them. There is something that, on reflection, many adults would surely find repugnant in the idea that they will leave their children a damaged planet that will radically affect their life possibilities. Lord Nicholas Stern

Kiribati President Anote Tong

"…I remember I had been trying to convince him to visit Kiribati and he did in 2011. He came to Kiribati and I remember he went to visit one of these communities that was flooded every time there is very high tides and there was this young boy who stepped up to the Secretary General and said Mr. Secretary General, you are a very important man you know, is there something that you can do to ensure I will have a future, that I will have a home. And the Secretary General came back and he said Mr. President I have been listening to you at the General Assembly but I never truly understood what it was you trying to communicate but now I do and I feel and I understand I would do everything that I can”