Plant ecologist Dan Metcalfe is in the midst of a bold experiment:
by eliminating the cloud layer from a portion of the forest, he is attempting to see what exactly will happen as the cloud forest dries out.1) Metcalfe DB & Kunin WE (2006). The effects of plant density upon pollination success, reproductive effort and fruit parasitism in Cistus ladanifer L. (Cistaceae). Plant Ecology 185: 41-47.
2) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A method for extracting plant roots from soil which facilitates rapid sample processing without compromising measurement accuracy. New Phytologist 174: 697-703.
3) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Sample sizes for estimating key ecosystem characteristics in a tropical terre firme rainforest. Forest Ecology & Management. 255: 558-566.
4) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). A comparison of methods for converting rhizotron root length measurements into estimates of root mass production per unit ground area. Plant and Soil 301: 279-288.
5) Metcalfe DB et al. (2007). Factors controlling spatio-temporal variation in carbon dioxide efflux from surface litter, roots and soil organic matter at four rainforest sites in the eastern Amazon. JGR-Biogeosciences Vol.112, GO4001, DOI: 10.1029/2007JG000443.
6) Högberg P, Högberg MN, Gottlicher SG, Betson NR, Keel SG, Metcalfe DB, Campbell C,Schindlbacher A, Hurry V, Lindmark T, Linder S & Nasholm T (2007). High temporal resolution tracing of photosynthate carbon from the tree canopy to forest soil microorganisms. New Phytologist 177: 220-228.
7) Ostonen I, Puttsepp U, Biel C, Alberton O, Bakker MR, Lohmus K, Majdi H, Metcalfe D, Olsthoorn AD, Pronk A, Vanguelova E, Weih M & Brunner I (2007). Specific root length as an indicator of environmental change. Plant Biosystems 141: 426-442.
8) Cameron TC, Metcalfe DB, Beckerman AP & Sait SM (2007). Intraspecific competition: the role of lags between attack and death in host-parasitoid interactions. Ecology 88: 1225-1231
9) Meir P, Metcalfe DB & Costa ACL (2007). The fate of assimilated carbon during drought: impacts on respiration in Amazon rainforests. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London-Biological Sciences DOI:10.1098/rtsb.2007.0021
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